በስመ አብ ወወልድ ወመንፈስ ቅዱስ አሐዱ አምላክ አሜን።
Wundt, Freud, Jung, Maslow & Rogers – The Apostles of fulfillment
(Lionni, 1993)
(Thevathasan, Christianity Accord to Sigmund Freud)
(After Asceticism: Sex, Prayer and Deviant Priests)
(Dr Freud, 2007)
(Jones, 2008)
Ortho-therapy: who needs a painkiller when they can get a cure??
Works Cited
Stone to Bread: Comparing Ortho-therapy with the Science of Fulfillment
[“We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving…”]
Do you recognize these lyrics? Even if you’re not into music (the melody of the devil) the odds are that you will say yes; these lines were from a huge music hit of the 80’s featuring the king of pop MJ, several other music icons who gathered together for the noblest ideal Hollywood music stars could ever attempt to do… sing for the hungry. The fact that it was for famine stricken children of Ethiopia makes the song all the more emotional for us.
This was not just one of those cheap MTV teen’s music … just good enough to waste some air time… this was a major hit that succeeded in literally moving the hearts and minds of a generation… an occasion that brought together the ‘best and brightest’ of the west’s musicians… it was the King of Pop himself that most likely did the lyrics. Horrible images of Ethiopian children flashed on TV along with a dozen or so pop stars hugging and moving around the stage with angelic-like innocence and concern… almost an epic.
Needless to say the world literally cried a river; some did their purses do the crying resulting in one of the greatest ever charity donations … if we are not mistaken around sixty million pounds! WE MAY NEVER KNOW THE FULL EXTENT OF THE DAMAGE THE CONCERT INFLICTED ON THE LIVES OF THOSE WHO WATCHED IT. But we at least most certainly now know where the money went. It definitely did not go to those miserable Ethiopian children in whose name the scam was arranged. The money was used to fund the anti-nationalist guerrilla forces that succeeded in overthrowing the Derg regime; to make matters worse it was filtered into the hands of these dissenting forces through a number of charity organizations operating in the area – OXFAM, The Lutheran Church, (some say the Roman Catholic Church), etc. In case you don’t know, several of the field officers of these charity organizations which are infesting Africa and Asia are also CIA, MI6 and Moussad intelligence operatives. The BBC did a whole documentary on that and later apologized. Apparently some powerful people behind the scenes had been offended by the documentary. Oops… we strayed a bit far into the world of shady politics which we would do best to keep out of.
So such a wonderful song contained a phrase in its lyrics that made an itsy bitsy tiny mistake about the nature of God. It said ‘God has shown us by turning stone to bread’:
[“Send them your heart
So they'll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread
So we all must lend a helping hand”]
Strange?! There is no record in the bible whatsoever of God engaged in turning stone to bread. Ever! But wait! ... There is actually a story that relates to the stone to bread theme… however in this story of ገዳመቆሮንጦስ our Lord and God Jesus Christ does not turn stone to bread. Instead He specifically REFUSES to turn stone to bread. This is an important difference. A difference the music hotshots apparently overlooked.
But someone else had suggested turning stone to bread… someone who was proud enough to consider himself god and demand worship… who was it? That’s right… it was the devil. So how come these superstars could make an error that happens to bring about such profound theological implications? Yes, the implications are profound as we shall see… ‘Relax… these are just a bunch of musicians who’re just ignorant of the ABCs of the bible’… you may say. But informed individuals who possess some insight on the religion pushed forward by the music and movie industry and the deliberate inversion of Christian themes they’re engaged in would not be so jovial and relaxed about it. And once you understand the philosophical implications involved in this stone to bread stuff, you too will start to see why one has to be so un-cool and grumpy about it. Here we go…
· After fasting for forty days and forty nights our Lord became hungry. The devil tempted him saying, "If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread." But Jesus refused this suggestion and replied, "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." (ማቴ 4:3)
· The Devil’s temptation carried with it the implication that He who is the Son of God would manipulate (bend) the laws of nature to satisfy His unfulfilled needs. Yet Jesus had been taken bythe Holy Spirit to the desert; this meant that the situation in which Jesus was in was arranged by God/was the Will of God/. Hence, such an action would certainly violate the Will of God. If God had desired for the fulfillment of His Son’s desires He would have arranged for suitable nourishment to be in the vicinity.
· It is much like the seemingly unfortunate events/misfortunes that befall us and that force us to undertake significant choices. A lady might find out that she cannot bear children, someone might learn that he has contracted a despicable disease, another might eventually realize that he is ‘doomed’ to live his life in poverty, or better yet a talented yet struggling amateur might discover that he is not going to succeed in his dream career. From a mere headache to a severe facial disfigurement/disability… to career upsets that could potentially determine the amount of food we have on the plate… we are confronted with situations the response to which reveals through our actions our beliefs of whether or not man lives by bread alone. It’s ‘the wakeup call’ from above… what shall we respond? Shall we sit and wait (praying of course) for God to respond no matter how long it takes or shall we take matters into our own hands? Though it rapidly vanishes from our minds when under such stressful conditions, God had indeed Willed for these circumstances to happen in our lives…
· If the Lord had committed magic (for manipulating/bending the laws of nature constituted magic) and turned stone to bread, which He certainly could, this would have implied that man whenever confronted with unfulfilled need he is to rebel against the Will of God, take matters into his own hands, even go as far as meddling into the laws of nature to bring about fulfillment/satisfaction… Which implies satisfaction of material needs is of highest priority that guarantees that he lives life to the fullest… Thus man lives by bread alone…
· What do people do when faced with such calamities? They rush off to get themselves fixed… through humanly means. Desperate times call for desperate measures… artificial insemination, የማሕጸንኪራይ, cloning, even go to the local magician/ቃልቻ, etc. Whatever the means just as long as she could have a child as soon as possible… life extension, whatever new expensive stuff modern scientific wizardry could muster just as long as I could put this terrible illness behind me… Plastic surgery, facial reconstruction… the end justifies the means; prayer only comes later…
· What differentiates magic from miracle? Miracle involves the altering of natural phenomena for the benefit of others… Jesus performed miracles, yet refused to alter nature to serve Himself… you remember the words… ‘He saved others but He could not Save himself’(ሉቃ 23፦35)… being hurled at Him on the Cross? Magic on the other hand constitutes the act of derailing the natural trend of things for the benefit of self. The magician always benefits from the act of magic somehow but a miracle worker (a Christian mystic/saint) remains selfless. St Peter walked the streets of Jerusalem penniless yet cured the blind; St Paul had a demonic disease that reminded him he was still mortal; Isaac (the father of Jacob/Israel) who became blind with age did not dare to ask God for cure… Moses (who daily conversed with God) did not bother to do something about his physical defect (he had trouble speaking) yet parted seas and smote rocks to put forth water… the bible is filled with stories of saints and men of God with personal imperfections/inadequacies who would only perform miracles and wonders solely for the benefit of others. Why… because man does not live by bread alone…
· Hence Our Lord showed us through his deeds how we can become the sons of God (የጸጋ ልጆች)… By choosing to remain/keep on starving rather than manipulate nature to fulfill His needs, i.e. turn stone to bread, he revealed to us that the kingdom of heaven is to be entered through a life of unconditional submission to the Will of God. This was His first victory over the devil recorded in the bible and His last victory, like His first, highlighted the choice of blind obedience to the Will of God going as far as drinking the cup of agony and death.
· By the way, to those in the know, science is understood to be indistinguishable from magic. For in its very essence, science strives to manipulate the laws of nature to optimize fulfillment and maximize gain. Occultists even regard it as natural magic to differentiate it from magical phenomena that involve the conjuring up of spirits/demons which they call supernatural magic. A significant portion of the wisdom that is supposedly discovered by science today had been known to occultists for millennia going as far back as the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Babylon. Even medicine that is often highlighted as the pinnacle of human achievement, even by clergymen, has the occult and the magical shady world to thank for its inception. Believe it or not Christians at one time used to believe that the human body is holy and should not be cracked up every now and then… how far we have strayed from those times and reached an age where corpses are cut to pieces for fun by a plague of eager undergrads (Oh you didn’t know that medicine students practice their craft on dead people?) Anyway it is simply inconceivable that the wisdom gotten from butchering man a thousand ways could be attributed nor blessed by God.
· The life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, like her Son, reveals the life of submission to which every Christian should aspire to. When Gabriel the archangel had addressed her she had envisioned the sort of life God had planned for her… She knew the cost… That her life would be that of misery… That she would watch her only beloved Son die a horrible death… That a blade shall pass over her life (ሉቃ 2፡-35)… And what did she respond? ‘ይኩነኒ በከመትቤለኒ’ (ሉቃ 1፡-38) - complete submission to the Will of God with full awareness of its consequences. It is inconceivable that God would enforce such a redemptive act (the conception of Jesus/incarnation of the Son) on her without first asking her consent – a task entrusted to Gabriel the archangel. Hence it is not illogical to assume that she had full knowledge of the consequences of accepting Gabriel’s proposal. In fact tradition has it that the whole spiritual world and all the Old Testament fathers who were in hell waited holding their breath for her response…The salvation of mankind was on the line…
· So what do pious Christians ought to do when confronted with such dire circumstances that threatens to upset the plans they have installed for themselves? Should they rush to the ‘help’ of (the magic wand of) science that offers the stone to bread option? Or should they embrace the calamity obediently saying ‘አባት ሆይብትወድስ ይህች ጽዋ ከኔ ትለፍ፤ ነገር ግን እንደፈቃድህ እንጂ እንደፈቃዴ አይሁን’ (ማር 14፡-36) and patiently wait for the miracle of God to happen?
· After all there is a reason God had allowed the misfortune to befall on them! Man does not realize his vulnerability/mortality until calamity strikes. He remains oblivious about his spiritual life and eternal needs totally confined in his cosmetic and self constructed illusory world. That is why it is very difficult for the wealthy to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. It requires a unique divine act to shatter the self perpetuated material prison and put them in such a miserable condition that they realize their inherent pitiably vulnerable state. Only under such extraordinary circumstances would they be able to abandon the world with all its sensual pleasures and actively seek divine guidance and eternal healing.
· Hence misfortune is often an act of a wakeup call that snatches us from the shell of material illusion that we have confined ourselves in… Time is up! An act of piercing the egg so that the chicken could be hatched. It is a proposal/a knock at the door/if we accept would take us up the path of salvation through submission to the Will of God, self pity/denial and abandonment of the world to embrace the cross of misery.
· Science with all its attractive solutions robs us of this rare opportunity to experience the grace of God from our lives. It provides for us an option to get our problems fixed without the need to go through the ‘uncomfortable’ path of confession, prayer and submission through faith. It enables us to get rid of our misfortune by simply dipping our hands into our pockets without the need to know or acknowledge God. The diseases/poverty/disability, etc was not really a problem… it was a solution posing as a problem. It makes us realize that life is nothing more than a mere transit terminal wherein we get dropped by one plane (birth) and wait till we get to another one (death)… It was an alarm that reminds us to cease snoring in the blissful state of material ignorance and seek a solution to the real problem… the sickness of the soul. Hence Science is an extension of the stone to bread temptation that is tabled as an alternative to the life of unconditional submission as exemplified through the life of Christ.
· So our music wizards knew very well what the supposedly mistaken reference to the stone-to-bread incident inherently entailed. The music ‘we are the world’ preached we are the only ones to make the world better which implied no need to wait for Devine/supernatural assistance. Nevertheless, while overtly promoting such atheistic themes, they cryptically reveal to their audience where their true allegiances lie. They are definitely not alluding to the God that turned down the request to turn stone to bread but to the god that promised/proposed to do so. Who is their god? – No other than the god of the Gnostics! … Satan - the prince of this world. (Is this too bazaar to believe? Google the relationship the king of Pop himself (Yes Michael Jackson) had with the Satanist Aleister Crawley. He wore (as he frequently does) the Sergeant Pepper outfit during his Grammy award in Crawley’s honor.)
· In fact this particular music is just one example of how the post enlightenment world has meticulously and elaborately been disseminating the stone-to-bread world view… a world view which emphasizes fulfillment of one’s needs/desires as man’s greatest ideal at the cost of his spiritual salvation. This beacon of utterly materialistic philosophy is recently being carried forward, and might we add quiet successfully, by the field of Psychology or psychotherapy.
· Unfortunately contemporary psychology permeates almost every aspect of our lives. Even people who have no idea of what psychology is are effectively being exposed to it. Critics may claim that our market driven chaotically erupting ‘culture’ is too haphazard to fully submit to the guidance psychology claims to assert. Nevertheless, it is evident that several of its presuppositions about what life is, how it should be lived, the strategies that would bring us a successful life and what success itself is, are swarming through our popular media culture and inevitably influence our behavior. And this phenomenon is being exceedingly accelerated by increasingly multiplying FM channels in our major cities. The talk shows they host and several of their entertainment programs are infested with concepts inherently rooted in psychology.
· Psychology starting from its inception was never meant to be a therapeutic science, i.e. a field dedicated to helping humans overcome their mental problems. Its true aim was no different from the purposes of all other streams which are classified under the umbrella of science - the control and efficient utilization of resources; in this case the most valuable and yet the most unpredictable of all resources – the mind.
· A person even vaguely familiar with this field of study would begin to see why psychology spends a great deal of time studying the unconscious mind - the irrational, animalistic, and consequently manipulate-able aspect of the human mind. Victor Frankel’s book ‘A man’s search for meaning’ which emphasizes that man, unlike any other animal, has got the ability to overcome environmental and hereditary constraints has largely been ignored. Instead Wundt, Freud, Pavlov, Skinner, and a host of other psychologists who are honored as the founders of modern psychology unanimously choose the animal-model to study the human mind. They portray man as the victim of his environment and heredity. In their rather dark depiction of man they picture him as being eternally condemned to live subdued to his animalistic and unconscious nature.
· Wundt’s extensive study on rats, Freud’s endeavor to model the normal mind on extremely marginalized population of neurotics and psychotics, Pavlov’s obsession with dogs and his subsequent synthesis of classical conditioning… all these should be understood taking into account that their models and theories do not serve to heal man from his wounds, nor free him from the shackles of irrationality/sheer animalism – they serve to keep him in bondage to these dark forces thereby controlling his behavior through application of certain principles. Modern day industrial psychology, social engineering, campaigning, and other applications base their model (the stimulus-response model) on this pessimistic aspect of man and contrive to predict and control his behavior in order to optimize gain.
· Even therapeutic aspect of psychology was promoted with sinister aims in mind. Psychotherapy was conceived with the intent of assuming the functions of the church. The couch-focused therapy was intended to replace confession and psychologists were to be the new secular priests that would act as the clergy for the new world order. The new age had found no place for the ecclesiastics who were seen as an embarrassment and incompatible with the new look of man and were to be cast aside. Yet it soon became evident that the church was not as easily replaceable as she was once thought. Apparently the human society was not civilized enough to let go of this ‘bag of superstitions’ and ‘opium for the masses’. A void too big to be overlooked eventually became visible and an institution which was to take over the functions of the church was desperately needed. That the highest suicide rate is found in the very nation (America) that possesses the largest number of psychiatrists and psychologists is testimony to the fact that ‘project takeover’ has miserably failed.
· Psychology represents the very essence/soul of the present materialistic and neo-Gnostic culture. It could even be seen as the extension of the devil’s (the prince of the world then and now) stone to bread argument which inherently assumes that the main source of man’s most basic problem is unfulfilled materialistic need, which, if properly taken care of, would enable him to live life to the fullest… man lives by bread (material fulfillment) alone!
· It represents the alternative solution to what Christianity proposes to offer to the wounded man. Christianity maintains that the basic malady of humanity is spiritual corruption/sin and consequently offers to provide spiritual healing through the provision of sacraments. Psychology, and the ‘rational tradition’ as a whole, on the contrary completely disregard the spiritual dimension and view man’s problem as unfulfilled materialistic desire/need. Karl Marx’s social gospel which sought to establish heaven on earth where ‘each lives according to his needs’ (everybody gets his material wishes fulfilled) is a manifestation of such a point of view. By the way Communism and Capitalism which outwardly seem to be bitter enemies aspire for the same and only the same goal in view – material fulfillment – and only differ in the means through which they aspire to bring about such a goal… which makes the communist/capitalist dichotomy superficial for appearances sake.
· Similarly psychotherapy in all its various forms holds that the source of psycho-social problems it strives to overcome stem from lack of fulfillment of basic material needs.
Wundt, Freud, Jung, Maslow & Rogers – The Apostles of fulfillment
· Wilhelm Wundt, the German experimental scientist, is presumed to be the founder of ‘modern’ Psychology. ‘Psyche’ in Greek means soul and ‘logy’ implies study; hence the very name of psychology indicates it has to do with studying about the soul. True to its name, until the era of Wundt, the field of psychology was devoted to studying man’s spirit/soul. However Wundt considered the existence of the soul as unverifiable and consequently sought to base this field of study on something more readily graspable and quantifiable.
"Wundt made two major contributions to the transformation of education in the West.... Wundt asserted that man is devoid of spirit and self-determination....”
Hence he limited the field of study to the study of observable behavior. Wundt, by denying the verifiability of the existence of the soul, radically altered the very definition of psychology and, in its place, erected a purely materialistic platform for his successors to complete.
· Sigmund Freud, the father of therapeutic psychology (psychoanalysis) was also notorious advocate of spiritless/soul-less and materialistic depiction of man. Freudian Psychoanalysis sees the cause of man’s maladjustment as repressed (unsatisfied) sexual impulses during early age. Consequently it proposes re-enactment of the individual’s childhood years on the psychotherapist’s couch with an intention of creating conducive avenue for these impulses/needs to be gratified thereby bringing about psychological and behavioral readjustment. This has several consequences to a Christian:
Ø This would imply sexual promiscuity, adultery and all kinds of sexual perversions (homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality, nudity, etc), which are all condemned by the Church, (and indeed every sane society) would have to come out of the closet and get accepted by the society as normal behaviors. No wonder Psychoanalysis played a significant role in the ‘sexual liberation’ movement which promoted nudity (especially of women), exchange of sexual feelings in public, frequent use of sexually charged words (and even profanities) in conventional conversations. Moreover, people were pressured to embrace and display despicable behaviors all in the name of ‘psychotherapy’:
“Psychoanalysis had a disastrous effect on the 20th century. Men undergoing therapy were told that they were unconsciously homosexual, husbands were advised to divorce and wives were told to find lovers.”
Ø Psychoanalysis as a therapeutic tradition implicitly promotes the deterministic view of man. Accordingly man is seen as the victim of unconscious sexual forces which are shaped during early childhood to which he has no control of. Since he is condemned to be vulnerable to his animalistic and evil (selfish) nature he, therefore, cannot be held accountable for his actions:
“Psychoanalysts believe in psychic determinism. If the ex-president of the United States chooses to commit adultery, this is not really his fault. It has been brought on by certain childhood experiences and he is therefore sick, not vicious. Freud held a Hobbesian view of man whose dangerous instincts must be restrained through therapy.”
(Thevathasan, Christianity According to Sigmund Freud)
Ø Furthermore, psychoanalysis, similar to the rest of the therapeutic tradition, stands in stark contrast against the monastic tradition in its insistence of sexual gratification. While our monastic fathers believe that abstinence and a life of self denial, not that of blind indulgence, are the gates to spiritual success, Freud’s psychoanalysis holds that sexual repression is the cause of man’s psychosocial problems.
the core change over the course of the twentieth century was one of purpose or allegiance-- leaving behind ascetical discipline, having disdain for religious tradition, and adopting the therapeutic mentality, a popular belief that fulfillment of the human person springs from emotional desire in a quest for self-definition, or self-actualization, without regard to an objective philosophical, religious or moral truth. Further, the therapeutic mentality views sin as a social concern and discourages loyalty to religious authority; it is profoundly anti-ascetical
Consequently, suppressing one’s desires (as ascetic monks often do) is seen as a source of psychological maladjustment (abnormality) and individuals who engage in such practices are scoffed at and even tagged with some psychological disease as neurotics and so on.
Ø But more importantly, what may be more alarming for Christians, are the secret activities of Sigmund Freud himself, which potentially reveal from where he actually got such devious teachings. There are numerous evidences that link Freud with the occult (practice of Gnostic witchcraft):
“Freud is now best known for his psychoanalytical method. It has been recognized that there are similarities between psychoanalysis and the occult doctrines of the Kabbala. They both share an emphasis on male and female elements, in a fixation with numbers and in the exploration of a variety of symbols. Some fundamental themes can be found in the Zohar or Book of splendor such as bisexuality, malevolent childhood impulses and dream interpretation.
Freud was also deeply interested in witchcraft and other occult phenomena. On Saturday evenings, he would frequently play tarot - a card game associated with the Kabbala. However, he appeared to have a conscious hatred of religion - both Orthodox Judaism and Christianity. In 1937, when he was urged to flee Nazism, he responded that his real enemy was the Roman Catholic Church.”
(Thevathasan, Christianity According to Sigmund Freud)
Ø Paul Vitz, in his book entitled Sigmund Freud’s Christian Unconscious, relates how Freud had identified himself with the person of the Anti-Christ. Vitz also deals with Velikovsky’s thesis, made in 1941, that argued Freud had made a Faustian pact with the devil.
Ø The most devastating evidence, which proves without doubt that the psychology of Sigmund Freud is just another of Gnosticism’s venomous teachings aimed at undermining Christian foundations, comes from his long standing relationship with the B’nai B’rith (a Jewish branch of a Gnostic secret society with avowed aim of doing away with Christianity and ushering in Gnostic-pagan revival):
“Dr. Freud was a member of the Vienna lodge of the B’nai B’rith (Sons of the Covenant), joining in 1897. It has been written that this association comforted him greatly during his time as an outcast over his theories of dream interpretation. In 2004, there was a lodge in Paris dedicated and named after him.”
Ø If Dr. Freud’s occult activities were suspicious, to say the least, Carl Jung’s indulgences in magic, astrology, (and other mystical phenomena that inevitably puts one under the control of demons), are ever more blatant. Moreover unlike the majority of secular scientists which make their occult practices hidden, Carl Jung’s association with Gnosticism is a matter of public record. A student of psychology/counseling who is obsessed with the concepts and thoughts of Jung is often surprised to find out that much of his teachings are based on the age old myths of the Gnostics; Jung even published a blatant Gnostic document in titled ‘sermons of the dead’ under the pseudo name Basilides of Alexandria. The ‘sermons’ depict the Gnostic conception of the creation of the universe and not surprisingly, the pseudo name ‘Basilides of Alexandria’ (an apparent reference to the famous Gnostic heretic who spread havoc among the early Christians) confirms with whom Jung’s allegiances lie.
Ø While Freud’s psychoanalysis wrongly portrays man as a slave of his sexual impulses … i.e. inherently evil and too corrupt to be able to attain redemption, Carl Rogers’ person centered therapy (considered by many to be the positive aspect of psychology) deprives man of the need for salvation by portraying him as inherently good. Consequently by these theories the doctrine of Original sin and the salvific action of the God-Man are systematically attacked; both psychological systems ultimately assault the mystery of incarnation and the need as well as the success of the redemptive action of Christ on the Cross.
The Jewish Connection!?
What makes this hidden Cultural Revolution even more alarming is that a significant majority of the apostles of this ‘modern’ psychology were and still are Jews. Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Enrich Fromm, Alfred Adler, Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers who spear headed the Cultural Revolution based on radically redefined psychological principles were of Jewish descent. Without getting carried away into the gray area of racial politics, the overwhelming domination of ‘modern’ subversive psychology by Jews is bound to raise many eyebrows. This tremendous Jewish presence, although on its own is insufficient to conclude the presence of a religious warfare (the role of the Judaism as a religion and the Jewish race in undermining Christianity is a matter for another detailed article which we hope to return to), it nevertheless without doubt demonstrates that the rank and file of modern day psychology (which succeeded in overturning explicitly Christian ideals and values of the previous generation, often through unorthodox means) was dominated by personages whose cultural and moral outlook was deeply shaped by a religion that occupies a radically opposite place from Christianity – Judaism.
The redefinition of psychology was a revolution in the truest sense of the word….the definition of mental illness changed from passion out of control to passion repressed. This unleashing of sexual passion from the bonds of reason corresponded with Jewish involvement in pornography and the constant chafing at prohibitions against nudity in Hollywood films. The Jewish takeover of psychology put instinct in the saddle, where it was used as cultural control…
Ortho-therapy: who needs a painkiller when they can get a cure??
To be Continued …
Works Cited
After Asceticism: Sex, Prayer and Deviant Priests. The LinacreInstitute .
Dr Freud. (2007). Occult of Personality.
Institute, T. L. After Asceticism: Sex, Prayer and Deviant Priests.
Jones, E. M. (2008). The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History. Fidelity Press.
Lionni, P. (1993). The Leipzig connection. Heron Books.
Thevathasan, P. Christianity Accord to Sigmund Freud.
ወስብሐት ለእግዚአብሔር።
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